U are interested to create marquee effect or text running but do not know how, but U try to create the feel of living in U'R blog.. Please.. follow the instructions below..
1. Text effects walking back and forth
Code :
<span style="color: black; font-family: arial; font-size: medium;"><marquee behavior="alternate" bgcolor="yellow" direction="right" height="35px" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="10" width="320px">running text effect</marquee></span>
2. Text effects walked back and forth vertically :
Code :
<font face="verdana" color="yellow" size="4"><marquee direction="up" behavior="alternate" scrollamount="2" height="100px" scrolldelay="10" bgcolor="yellow" width="320px">Text effects walked back and forth vertically </marquee></font>
3. Text effect continuously running to the right
Code :
<span style="color: black; font-family: times; font-size: medium;"><marquee behavior="scroll" bgcolor="yellow" direction="right" height="50px" scrollamount="10" scrolldelay="10" width="320px">Text effect continuously running to the right</marquee></span>
GOOD LUCK > > > >